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- Euriskô Films
EURISKO FILMS Welcome to emotion Specializing in visual storytelling, Euriskô Films is your preferred contact for all your audiovisual creations and communications. From development to distribution, our company is there to transform your ideas into a striking visual result. Our commitment is simple: we do everything we can to produce content that suits you. Fiction, corporate, businesses, social networks... we adapt to you, your budget and your needs. We also commit our production to an approach that is as ecological as possible, and integrate the issues as much as possible. societal aspects in our work, our choices of partners or the themes that we accept. Finally, we promise you balanced quotes and prices, corresponding to your needs and your production, without additional costs or "surprises", thanks to an internalized production system taking care of all aspects of production. OUR SERVICES Whether you call on us for complete production or not, we make sure to offer you quotes and contracts that meet your requests and needs. We can offer you “all-inclusive” packs, or independent services: - Writing / Screenplay / brief - Storyboard / animated storyboard via ToonBoom - Filming - Editing / Calibration / Compliance for distribution - Visual Effects - Music We internalize each stage of production, with the possibility of calling on external technicians and professionals if necessary. PRODUCTION With our in-house production system, we are able to manage the entire production chain, so you only have to deal with one provider. We take care of everything from the brief and storyboard to the final mixing and compliance with your chosen broadcast provider, whether that's social media, TV advertising or cinema. We create a bond with you that is made to last, and which guarantees that your vision, your identity, are respected at every second. EURISKO FILMS From the Greek "Euriskô" - "I learn", our objective is to always improve ourselves: technique, narration... Created in 2021 by Kevin Enhart for the production of his first documentary film, Euriskô Films draws on more than 15 years of work in audiovisual and illustration with diverse and international partners: Storyboard Workshop in Ireland, Titan Comics in England , 20Th Century Fox, Adhesive Production in Paris... OUR CLIENTS Internally or with our partners, we have had the chance to collaborate with some of the most creative companies, whatever the media, sometimes even abroad. Their trust matters to us and honors us. OUR WORK Production, storyboard, visual effects, editing... our talents are varied, and each time put to the service of our clients and production. Bande Annonce Etats de Choc : Primum Non Nocere Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied “Etats de Choc: Primum Non Nocere” is Euriskô Film’s first in-house production: a two-part, multi-nominated and award-winning documentary, written and directed by Kevin Enhart. available on VOD on the CapuSeen platform. Advertising for the social networks of MG Motor - DMD Group, for the release of the MG EHS. 2023 “Silver”, in partnership with Storyboard Workshop, Dublin. Directed by Helena Hufnagel, produced by Constantin Film. Available on Amazon Video. 2023 Lidl Northern Ireland advertising, in partnership with Storyboard Workshop, Dublin. 2020. Artistic direction and VFX on this advertisement for the Parrot Flower Power H2O. CES Las Vegas, 2015. LET’S DISCUSS Rennes, France contact@euriskofilms.com SIRET: 79357587900028 VAT not applicable: art. 293B of the Tax Code https://www.facebook.com/euriskofilms/ https://www.facebook.com/euriskofilms/ https://www.youtube.com/@EuriskoFilms
- Contact | Eurisko Films
Contact Une idée, une envie? Nous sommes prêts à donner vie à vos projets! Vous pouvez également nous demander un devis pour toute prestation! Nous sommes également disponibles par téléphone : Discutons E-mail contact@euriskofilms.com Réseaux sociaux Prénom Nom E-mail Message Envoyer Merci pour votre envoi Demande de devis Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Société (facultatif) Indicatif du pays Téléphone Sélectionnez un service Choisissez une option Donnez-nous plus de détails Demander un devis Merci. Nous vous enverrons un devis rapidement.
- Comment ça se passe | Eurisko Films
Comment ça se passe Quel que soit votre projet, nous vous accompagnons à chaque étape, en totale transparence. 01 Le Brief C'est ici que votre projet prend forme ; nous vous écoutons développer votre vision, votre ambition, quel que soit votre projet. Et nous vous aidons à définir ce à quoi il ressemblera. Matériel, équipe, temps de travail... tout se définit ici. 02 Storyboard / Ecriture La validation du projet passe par un storyboard - un guide visuel qui permet une meilleure compréhension de ce que donnera l'oeuvre finalisée - quand un scénario ne suffit pas. 03 Le Tournage C'est le grand jour! Nous travaillons rapidement, en équipes aussi réduites que possible, pour minimiser notre impact sur vous. 04 Le Montage / Rendu Nos suites logicielles de pointe permettront un montage et un mixage parfaits, ainsi qu'un encodage dans le format que vous désirez pour la diffusion. Votre oeuvre est née! Nous vous offrons en plus tous les outils pour communiquer dessus : visuels, versions alternatives...